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How we manage your personal data

By applying to become a mentor and be part of SE’s Mentor Program, AAU collects and processes the following information about you:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • City
  • Linkedin profile
  • Current job title
  • Company name and Company webpage
  • Information about your professional background and previous experiences.

We do this to match you with a startup team, who participates in one of our programs. The SEA Mentor Program is organized by the projects “Startup MEU”, “Game Hub Scandinavia 2.0” and “Science for Society 2.0”.  

Your personal information is processed on a regular basis and stored for ongoing contact regarding follow-up, matching with a startup team who matches your professional background and previous experiences, invitation to events, registration of match, and evaluation. An update of stored data takes place annually. You can at any time get information about what information we have stored about you and you can always contact us to have your information updated.

We will use the information about your professional background and previous experiences to find the right match between you and a startup team. To be matched with a startup team, we will invite you to the event Mentor Summit, where most of the matching process happens. There are other ways to be matched with a startup team; The startup team receives information about our mentor corps and expresses an interest in having you as a mentor. For this purpose, your information will be shared on AAU’s website and can be shared directly with relevant startup teams. You can also be matched with a startup team by receiving information about relevant startup teams, and expressing an interest in becoming a mentor for one of the startup teams. Finally, you can be invited to participate in a Mentor Panel, where several mentors discuss a startup team’s challenges. Here you can also be matched with the startup team.

Besides Mentor Summit and Mentor Panel, we also host Business Panel, where the mentors asses if the pitching startup teams is ready to continue to the next phase of a program. At the Business Panel, we record the pitching team and your feedback to the team to optimize the team’s learning. The video will only be sent to the pitching team and afterwards deleted at AAU in accordance with AAU procedures for deletion.

We will also use your mail to invite you to other relevant events for mentors within entrepreneurship, which we at Aalborg University host. When you are matched with a startup team, we will share your contact information with the startup.

Since we are required to document your participation in the SEA Mentor Program to EU Interreg, which co-finances Science for Society 2.0 and Game Hub Scandinavia 2.0, we will keep your information about name and email, evaluation results. This information will also be shared with Aarhus University, who administers Science for Society 2.0 and facilitates the contact with EU Interreg and also shared with Viden Djurs who administers Game Hub Scandinavian 2.0 and facilitates the contact with EU Interreg. In Startup MEU we only share statistical data, e.g. number of participants and number of matches, with Spar Nord Fonden, which finances Startup MEU.

We will process your personal information for the purpose mentioned above until the end 2027, when Science for Society 2.0 and Game Hub Scandinavia 2.0  are no longer required to store the documentation in accordance with AAU’s filing rules and The Danish Bookkeeping Act § 10 and §14.

The legal basis for collecting, processing and storing your personal data is that processing is necessary in order for you to participate in the SEA Mentor Program and that AAU can document this to EU Interreg and Aarhus University and Viden Djurs, in accordance with the nature of the General Data Protection Regulations article 6(1) (e).

As a data subject you have the right to know which information, we have about you, you have the right to rectification if your data is inaccurate, the right to deletion or be forgotten, the right to limit the data processing, the right to data portability and the right to object. You may any time use one of above-mentioned rights by contacting SE (Student Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University) via sea-gdpr@adm.aau.dk

The processing of your information, including when stored in our registry, is administered by Aalborg University in accordance with the University's Privacy Policy. Aalborg University is the data controller for processing your personal information. For general questions and any objections, please contact Mette Bach Andreasen at mba@adm.aau.dk (Science for Society 2.0 & Game Hub Scandinavia 2.0) or Annika Camilla Jørgensen at acj@adm.aau.dk (Startup MEU). EU Interreg can be contacted by emailing Johan Willdal at johan@interreg-oks.eu (Science for Society 2.0) and at Erik Johansson at erik@interreg-oks.eu (Game Hub Scandinavia 2.0). Aarhus University can be contacted by emailing Anne Sofie Dahlmann Breindahl at asb@au.dk and Viden Djurs can be contacted by emailing Ditte Juul at dmjk@videndjurs.dk. Aalborg University Data Protection Officer at dpo@aau.dk, can be contacted in case of disagreement.

If you wish to submit a complaint to Aalborg University's processing of your personal information, please contact Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 Copenhagen K, which is the Danish regulatory authority in the data protection area.